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Koraline Moore ALIAS Madame Noir PRONOUNS She/Her, Cis ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ PHYSICAL AGE Adult HEALTH 100% OCCUPATION Investor, Trader |
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Chaotic Neutral SETTING Fantasy, Low Tech SOCIAL STATUS High Class ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ LOCATION Guildereim ORIGIN England RELATIONSHIP Single |
![]() SPECIES Jaguar Nosferatu BUILD Curvy and petite WINGS Small and black |
![]() WEIGHT 120lbs HEIGHT 5'4" EYES Maroon/Ruby |
![]() HAIR Long, sleek, and black FUR Melanistic, black MARKINGS Faint spotting, shoulders/hips |
![]() APPEARANCE Hark! What a creature that did cross your path, like the proverbial black cat-- she was an omen of misfortune. A lady of hazard and intrigue who dealt in the carnal tastes of the flesh. The melanistic feline had such faint leopard markings darkening her dainty shoulders and pulling along appealing hips; almost as distracting as the dark lengths of wine hued silk that drifted in the wake of her. Such alluring smiles might almost sidetrack you from the sanguine eyes that gleamed like beacons in the sea of black. |
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![]() ♦♦♦ Personality ♦♦♦ A woman of esteemed refinery-- all while in the light of day. Yet among the dark of night you may find her carnal desires a little less then dainty and her behaviours more aggressive and harsh. Over all? Kora is a woman who has played The Game of high society and their social circles long enough to be considered dangerous. She is determined and stubborn to the bone. This allows her to play the long game, and her patience knows no bounds. |
![]() ♦♦♦ Negatives ♦♦♦ The leopard is prone to becoming resentful and nasty when things don't end up going her way. Jealous, and resentful. The words spoiled bitch, should really just be her nickname at this point. The woman's trust is very hard to earn, and even harder to keep. Due to her cynical nature, she is often paranoid and suspicious of even the most kind and generous of actions. One could say that her eternity will be a lonely one and Kora would only agree with them. |
![]() ♦♦♦ Mental State ♦♦♦ Old, and jaded due to it. Otherwise they're rather healthy of mind and soul. |
![]() ♦♦♦ Physical Condition ♦♦♦ Healthy condition at the present, appears to have no ailments or illnesses. |
![]() ♦♦♦ Hunter ♦♦♦ Open
Seeking a specific partner who could play a character in Koraline's past-- a hunter who found her in England when she was new to the night and tried to kill her. Clearly, they failed-- but I'm looking for a long-term relationship of these two trying to harm one another and failing to actually remove the threat of the other. This could also be played by a descendant of the original hunter, who is taking up the mantle of their mentor and going after 'the one that got away'. I'm open for discussing the exact details with whoever is interested in the position.
♦♦♦ Vampire Sire ♦♦♦ Open
What I'm looking for is the master vampire from her backstory that infected her, and left her to die. They need to be older than Kora, and preferably charming, and on the evil side of an alignment. Their history can be discussed and explored in private.
♦♦♦ Clientele ♦♦♦ Open
Check out her 'memories' sub-tab for more details on this.
![]() ♦♦♦ Servants ♦♦♦ Open
Someone loyal, someone well trained, and obedient. Koraline is not beyond training a slave to be what she needs. She lives a dangerous life, and a slave would need to be able to take care of her particular lifestyle. They'd be used for snacking on when she's hungry, tidying up her chambers, helping her get dressed and groomed, as well guarding her during times where she's in a weaker state. This is someone Koraline must be able to trust, and it is not a position she'll pick someone for easily.
♦♦♦ Romance ♦♦♦ Open
Koraline is pansexual and polyamorous, meaning? She's content being involved with more than one partner, and has no preferences in regards to their gender. Although 'romance' maybe the wrong term, Koraline isn't the most attentive to the emotional needs of her partners. She's just here for a good time.